About Me

My name is Lorena Ramirez, and as you may have noticed i am of MEXICAN background, and PROUD of it. I am currently in school in the 12th grade trying to finish my college applications, and trying not to get senioritis. I am currently 17 years old living in Gardena since I was one month old. I´m not a big fan of politics, one because fights will occur, and two for right now it´s not the most important thing on my mind. I would say more, but then this whole section would be an autobiography. So i'll leave it up to you if you want to know more.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Our Govenor working with our Environment.

On Thursday, December 27, 2007 Kristin Kloberdanz/Fresno sat down with our governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and asked him questions concerning the law suit against the Enviromental Protection Agency(EPA), and the federal government regrding the fact how California and 16 other states can't set uop their regulations on fuel emissions. (http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1698594,00.html) Kloberdanz/Fresno fisrt discusses the probability of winning this case against the federal court, Schwarzenegger feels very confident in the fact that they will win this law suit, seeing as how the court has already lost four other cases. Then she asks whether there were any problems with the other businesses concerning with lowering the fuel emissions to lower the cause of greenhouse gas. Our govenor stated that there was no problem because before that he sent a whole with the bussinessmen disscussing the situation and getting them to agree to what he was proposing, on lowering the fuel emissions. Then the interview goes on saying that our govenor feels pround that California can go on and take charge and change aspects of the state that it doesn't like and create a ripple effect showing to others around the world that change can happen as long as the ideas are brought up and they are followed up upon, like California, which enforces the laws passed and takes them seriously. Finally they comment on how they hope that this reduction on greenhouse gas will work and reduce our feul emission, which is why he states that this will create many benifits because there will be more job opportunities in the aspect of inventing new ways for airplanes and cars to funtion without emmitting so much greenhouse gas.

Clarification: Does Arnold Shwarzenegger have faith in his plan on lowering the greenhouse gas?

Application: Do you think our environment will really ever lower it's perctenage in the greenhouse gas, or that all these new inventions will really help out our environment?

Siblings Facing the "Real World"

On Monday, Dec. 24, 2007 Amy Lennard Goehner wrote the article "Autistic Kids: The Sibling Problem" describing the reality that autistic siblings face everyday with their siblings.(http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1698128-1,00.html). Autism is a development disorder that doesn't allow the child or person with the disorder to interact with others socially or in any way of communication, and can only do a certain limited amount of activities, has very few interests in other things, and has a repition of certain movements. This disorder is noticable the fisrt few years of life and the reason for which it occurrs is unkown. Goehner goes on and writes how the siblings of autism have to deal with their siblings in everyday type of situations and goes on to question and answers that normally come up with kids that have autism. Like how a parent should explain to the other siblings the disorder thier siblings have and how they should interact with one another to create less conflict, because the autsim kids can get aggressive or frustrated easily or may not play with thier other siblings at all. They should also explain that if they do take care of their disabled siblings that they are not the parents, espcially if they are younger because they are kids too and it's not up to them to be in charge of them that they still have thier childhood to live, but that once they become older and the situation has been talked about that they will beome the parents of their disabled sibling, but by then it would be completely up to the sibling to take on that responsiblity, but most do, according to the Autism Society of America. Also it is encouraged for the siblings of autism to attend sibworkshops to interact with other kids with the same problem to realize that they aren't the only ones who go through this and that in a way that what they fell like depression, sadness, and envy are normal, and that they shouldn't be ashamed of thier siblings because they are different, even though majority of the siblings will just laugh at the embarrising things thier siblings will do and will even defend them.

Clarification: Is having a autsim sibling anything you should be ashamed of?

Application: If you had an autism child as a sibling would you be any different than you are now?