About Me

My name is Lorena Ramirez, and as you may have noticed i am of MEXICAN background, and PROUD of it. I am currently in school in the 12th grade trying to finish my college applications, and trying not to get senioritis. I am currently 17 years old living in Gardena since I was one month old. I´m not a big fan of politics, one because fights will occur, and two for right now it´s not the most important thing on my mind. I would say more, but then this whole section would be an autobiography. So i'll leave it up to you if you want to know more.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Second Chunk of Namesake

In the second part of the text Ashima has given birth to her new baby boy. She lies in the hospital for a couple of days eating Jell-O and ice cream. Though suddenly becomes worried because she has sent word back home to Calcutta that her she had her newly born and was waiting for a response from her grandmother, that never arrived, the grandmother was to name the child as she has done for all her other children. They needed a name in order to place on the certificate of the child in order to leave the hospital to legally register the child. Ashoke then at the last minute chose the name from one of his favorite novels, and so thier son become to be known as Gogol Ganguli.
Eventually Ashima learns that her grandmother had a stroke and has been paralyzed on her right side, and that she is more of a vegetable than a human now, so much that she has forgotten who Ashima is. So being homesick and her grandmother ill plans are made for Decemeber during break to go to Calcutta to visit. Yet this event had to be done sooner for one day in the middle of the night after Gongol had turned one and had his rice ceremony, Ashima recieved a phone call from home giving her the most horrible news anybody could ever recieve. Her dad had died the day before from a heart atttack. So now she's on her way home sooner than anticpated.

Quote: "Dida, I'm coming," Pg. 37

Question: Is knowing when you're going to die better than not knowing when?

1 comment:

Actor in Training said...

I would rather not know when I'm going to die because I would get depressed. I want to spend my last happy and with family and friends. I don't need to spend it thinking, "I'm dying in two days" and having everyone sad and saying goodbyes. I want to have parties, go out and enjoy the time that I have left on the earth even though I don't know that I'll be dying soon.