About Me

My name is Lorena Ramirez, and as you may have noticed i am of MEXICAN background, and PROUD of it. I am currently in school in the 12th grade trying to finish my college applications, and trying not to get senioritis. I am currently 17 years old living in Gardena since I was one month old. I´m not a big fan of politics, one because fights will occur, and two for right now it´s not the most important thing on my mind. I would say more, but then this whole section would be an autobiography. So i'll leave it up to you if you want to know more.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Fourth Chunk of The Namesake

In the beginning of this chunk the Ganguli family has made plans to visit Calcutta once again, but this time for almost a whoe school year, eight months. At first Gogol and his sister Sonia decide they don't want to go and miss a whole year of school, but they end up going and come back safe and sound. On their return Gogol is ready to enter his third year of High School, he is now a junior and dreads the class assignment given to him in his english class. He has to read certain novels of other famous writers throughout the ages. He dislikes this assignment because it revelas everything about him that he has tried to push behind him. For one of the writers was the famous Russian writer Gogol whom he was named after.
There's the fact that he doesn't like his name because he can't ask girls out or introduce himself because he feels ashamed of his name and now learning about the life of Gogol he wonders and questios why he was even named Gogol in the first place. He dislikes the fact that it's not common and that in his eyes it's the most horoundous name anyone could ever have.
So eventually fed up with his name and the whole idea of his heritage pretty much he decides to change his name to what thier parents originally wanted to call him Nikhil. He asked for his parents permission and although Ashima, his mother opposed at first, and Ashoke, his father felt like it was useless he was permitted.

Question: Do you know why you were given the name you are now called today? Do you like your name? If so why or why not, and if not, given the option to choose or change your name what would it be?


Actor in Training said...

After my mom had me she was watching the Oscars and Marisa Tomei had just won an Oscar so my mom decided to name me Marissa. I have come to like my name. When I was younger I use to think it was white which I still believe, but I love it now. I like my name because I know I was given it for a reason. I would not change my name for anything.

Actor in Training said...

After my mom had me she was watching TV and she saw that the actress Marisa Tomei had won an Oscar so she named me Marissa. When I was younger I didn't like my name because I thought it was too white which I still believe, but I have come to love it. I would never change my name.

the girl that smiles too much said...

My mom met some little girl named Brittany that she fell in love with and the girl asked her to name her daughter after her; the result was me! I like my name because it fits me. I wouldn't be Brittany Taylor without it.